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Coaching with Gusto

Mindset Shift

Recognize these

Pain Points ?

You stopped looking forward to the day ahead and feel trapped in your daily grind.


You wish you had more go-to people in your corner, supporting you and providing you with a sympathetic ear when you just need to unpack.


The demands of the day seem to continue piling on, leaving you frustrated when you can’t even come up for air or get anything completed.


Everyone seems to come to you to "fix things for them" leaving you feeling depleted, invisible and neglected - you finally realized that you have lost the ability to take care of your own needs and self.


Life has just dealt you a major blow and you are grieving the news. Most people around you don't understand what you are going through, and you are feeling at a loss.


You have hit a wall and you know it's time for a change but can't find the energy and courage to do something about it.

10 Sessions SHIFT


*includes email support through the 20 week program 


W H A T  Y O U  W I L L 

B Y  P A R T N E R I N G  W I T  H  M E 


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Personal Audit

What really fulfills you? Let's explore what matters to you most, highlight your strengths and make meaning of your current state.

Self Care

Build yourself stronger by establishing a routine, prioritizing what's important without sacrificing your needs for self care.

Network Bridging

Find your people - Let's start by identifying your personal needs for connection, your readiness to be vulnerable and ask for help so that you feel supported and nurtured.

Mindset Shift

Everyone needs an arsenal of resources - Based on your goals and known barriers, we will identify tools and techniques to archive better focus, motivation, and resiliency.

Let's Execute!

Planning and Goal Setting - It's time to map out a strategy to give you the courage to make changes and open the door to new opportunities and more fulfilment.

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